Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Random busy days

We have been working on our food storage! It's so exciting to see the shelves fill up with neat little rows of cans and boxes! What a good feeling! It's not much, but it's a start!

And to make room on the shelves, I had to get rid of things. So I have been ebaying! I love ebay! That is a fun feeling, checking every day to see how my auctions are doing. To see how much money I'm going to make! ;)

We also cut down our tree! (Well okay Josh cut down the tree, I just pulled on a rope to make sure it fell the right direction) It was a useless tree that was bare at the bottom and grew crooked because of other trees. In the summer you can't even see it's there. So we thought it would be fun to put something else there. (We don't know what yet, maybe just grass, we'll see)