Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Youth Conference

A while ago Josh and I got called to be Tribal Leaders at our Stake's Youth Conference. Normally the stakes do a Trek, but this year they decided to do a Book of Mormon YC. I have to admit we were both extremely nervous, hesitant and as it grew closer stressed.(Remember our costumes that I made?)

We had 2 Youth Leaders (Jordyn Arndt and Mitchell Pace) from our ward, and 8 other kids from the stake that we didn't know and one leader from our ward assigned to our tribe. About 2 weeks before, we (and the YLs) came up with the name of our tribe, made a flag and designed a side of our shields. Our tribe name was Eklegomai, which means "chosen" in the early translation of the bible, in Greek.

As soon as the buses dropped us off we watched this HUGE lightning storm roll over us. Josh told all the kids and leaders to get down in a valley, crouch down and spread out. I think lots of the kids thought he was being paranoid, but we learned the next day that the camp over had 2 scouts get hit by lightning and one was killed.

We hiked up the mountain (about 4 miles) carrying a palanquin each tribe had built to carry some of our gear. Josh and I (not being very handy) built ours out of 2 plastic tubs the kind with snap of lids. Which turned out to be quite useful.

As we were hiking we had the most amazing rain storm hit us! I am not kidding I have never seen so much rain at one time! It was as if someone turned on the hose or dumped a bucket over us. It was incredible. But the kids were great! No one complained, we all just huddled under tarps and watched in amazement as the road started slipping away under our feet. And eventually started walking holding the tarp over us and those carrying the palanquin. When we got to the top we had about 5 lbs of mud on our shoes and were all soaking wet.(Jordyn and Brittany) Great attitudes no matter what!

(Sean and Caroline) Look at the freaking rain!

When we got to camp exhausted and wet, we thought we would have to set up our tents in the mud, but we no! One of our leaders had decided to set up our tents for us and with the help of some of our cooks were all set up before the rain hit. So when the rain hit he was able to see where the water flow was and dig us trenches. Other wards were not as lucky. They had to set theirs up in the mud and struggled as they washed away in the mud. A few of their tents, gear and all, got soaked.

As we sat around the camp trying to dry out from our hike, another storm hit! I was laughing so hard because it was in sane! The quantity of water was amazing. Josh's tent literally had a river running under it!(Colten) trying to stay dry, we were laughing so hard!(I wish it wasn't so dark and sideways, I couldn't figure out how to flip it)

By the next morning it was sunny and beautiful, as if it never rained.

The stake had made amazing props, costumes, scenery and reenacted stories from the Book of Mormon. I must say, I was scared it was going to be cheesy. It wasn't! It was so well done. The hours they spent getting it all put together is unbelievable! Each of the 5 wards in the stake also did a reenactment. And every one of them were so well done!Traer and Ashley(the other tribe from our ward)
each ward had two tribes. Burning their palanquin.

Brother Bateman! We were laughing so hard we were crying!!

Bishop Long (King)
Hanging out with the ward
We had great food! The food crew were amazing! (I've never eaten so well camping before in my life)

We had lots of wars. The wars were related to the some of the wars in the Book of Mormon. They had most of them like flag football, if you lost your flag you were dead. There was also a tug-o-war and water balloon war.(This was our shield that the YLs came up with
Omega = the end. When it was on this side we were Lamenites, the other side was done by the stake. And when it was facing this side we were Nephites.)


One of my favorite reenactments was Lehi's Dream of the Tree of Life. They had a rope leading all around the stake property with tempters all along the way, trying to get the kids to let go of the "iron rod" They had built a large and spacious building where people were laughing and dancing and trying to temp them. (all in pitch blackness) Josh and I were also tempters. We stood near the end and tried to confuse the kids as they got close to the end. Some of the kids when they let go and then realized they had been tricked said "oh I can't believe I fell for it" or "I left for that?" The kids that were alone were easier to lead astray than the kids that were helping each other, there were bishops along the way to give them encouraging words and if they let go of the rope they were to go back to one of the bishops, repent and then help get them back on track. Anyway, so many great lessons could be taught by this activity alone!

We all worry about the troubling times ahead, but as I saw these 150+ kids at this YC, whether they wanted to be there, or whether their parents dragged them or bribed them, their testimonies, their attitudes and spirits were all their own! I do not fear for our future, I have new found faith in our youth. We have strong amazing kids that have such incredible testimonies. Each one of them has something different to offer. I think I learned more from them than anything!

In the end there had been many small miracles, testimonies strengthened and friendships built. I am hoping that they will do this again in 4 years so Ethan and Emery can have this experience!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Will's Bday party

This week we are (again) not going to be around for a child's birthday. Last year we were gone for Nate's. This year we will be at Youth Conference (I'm sure I will post about that later) during Will's. We promised him he could have a party this year since he has never had one with friends. So we had his party early, which was very stressful since we are getting ready for YC.

His party actually turned out really cute and lots of fun. It was a camp theme, with fishing, shooting range, arts and crafts, fitness, hot dogs, s'mores, and bugs. (hehehe sounds funner than I'm sure it was)
My favorite part was the S'mores on a stick. They turned out so cute!! And the little hobo satchels for the kids to take home.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Baptism, A Mission & A Wedding

My parents are leaving for their mission for the London England temple on Monday. They've been in the MTC for about 2 weeks and are having the best time ever. My sisters and I took them out to dinner for my mom's birthday a couple of days ago and they couldn't stop smiling! They are so happy and excited! We were able to get my entire family together just before they went into the MTC and had a big picnic. It was fun to have all of my family around for the weekend.
Since everyone was in town, we bumped Nate's baptism up a week (mostly so my parents could go) It was really special having everyone there for him. Josh's sisters were in town and were able to come (and of course his mom and dad) which just added to the amazing day!

He was so excited and I've never in my life seen this kid nervous, like he was that day. He is such an amazing kid, so smart, loving and stubborn! We love him! It was a special day for the little guy, and we are so proud of him.
Also the following weekend on the 2nd, Josh's sister Abbey was married to Bill! (and I don't have any pics) We were so excited for them! They were married in the Salt Lake Temple.