Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 2012

I just had to share a funny story!  I wish so bad someone had a video of this cause I know it would make me rich......anyway....

So New Years Eve....

(just to set the stage)
We are with our neighbors in our circle for a little New Years party, fire pits, hot chocolate, lots and lots and lots of popcorn.  I had made a pinata to look like the ball that drops in Times Square, filled it with candy and hoisted it high in the tree, tied it to the mail box, ready to drop at midnight! 

Kids were gathered around ready for the exciting moment......when candy will burst free from the ball.

We count down.....5....4....3....2....1!  I cut the string.....the ball drops............  

Then NATE (my way to smart for his age, boy) ...........CATCHES THE PINATA....AND TAKES OFF RUNNING!! 

The kids are in shock, then reality sets in and they all start chasing him!!

I finally stop laughing, catch him and smash it to the ground, letting all the candy loose and so the kids stop freaking out.
I love that kid!  He is always good for a great story!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas 2011

One of our traditions on Christmas Eve is opening presents we got for each other.  Usually we get them pjs or slippers or blankets... and I always take a picture, goofy and serious (well as serious as the Ashton kids can get)
 I made each of the kids shirts!  I also made one for Josh and I.

Christmas morning, the kids were up bright and early, begging to open presents.

Ethan and Nate got an xbox360.....we didn't see them the entire Christmas break.

Emery got an ipod touch......we didn't see much of her either.

Will got a remote control excavator....we HEARD a lot of him.

But his favorite was a toss up between the cowboy gear and the tractor.

My favorite was the present from Josh to Emery.  They have had this ongoing game of hiding this disgusting shrunken head from Halloween.  It has ended up in the most random places.  But the best was Josh wrapping it in a box for Emery Christmas morning.  It was sooo funny!

BLAST FROM THE PAST!  Josh and I were scanning photos of our childhood for presents to both of our parents and I thought I would post a couple.

What a cutie!!!  I love the Cookie Monster slippers and I totally remember that record player.  So much for my kids ipods. hehehe

I loved that star on the window, I think it was made from garland and coat hangers, and lit up.  I also love that we are swaying with the music as we sing!  I loved my childhood!!!

Christmas eve

Christmas Eve we normally just hang out as a family, but this year we decided to get together with family that was in town.  We went over to Debbie's house, sang songs and ate lots of yummy treats.  It was fun!  I think the kids had a good time. 
As usual it was hard to get a picture of Ethan.....he always hides behind his hands.  But we got sneaky for this one. He and Payton were hiding behind the piano where they were probably texting each other. :)
 Will and Jack are best friends (according to Will) :)

 Debbie, who always plays so well...and using her beautiful new baby grand.

Bill and Nikki have GREAT voices (and Cameron too)

Nate just LOVED to sing!  He is probably our most naturally musical kids. Of course he had to park himself practically on top of Easton (his COOL older cousin, who has more musical talent than all of us put together and 3x over)

Emery and Abbey!  What awesome little girls.  They are so much alike and get along so well!  They were dancing to Rudolph.

Halfway through singing I realized Ethan had disappeared. Smart kid....went and found the football game.  
And I only add this video because Josh cracks me up!

Piano recital

Emery and Nate had their Christmas recital.  For Nate it was the first time he played for anyone.  Poor little dude was so nervous, he played the wrong song.  But he fixed it and did very well. (this is the fixed version)  And for some reason I didn't get Emery's.

Halloween? Really?

Halloween?  Really?  That was 3 months ago..... We've done so much and so little in that amount of time. 

I'll start off with Ethan's birthday.  And yes we have a teenager.  We are getting old.  Ethan got a cell phone for his birthday and hasn't put the thing down since.  He also confessed he doesn't like cake.  Which was fine with me, cause I didn't have to bake!  So we got a pile of doughnuts and stuck some candles in them.