Sunday, April 11, 2010


Well, we did it! We're done! And we love it!

In case you don't remember or haven't seen our kitchen before......

This is when we first moved in....I had already painted the lovely green cabinets, white.
baby steps..
Josh, laying on the floor... after laying the floor!!
TA DA!....Of course as always with us, we still need a few things done, a microwave, baseboards, more lights, curtains, decorations, towels.... etc.

And thankfully it only took 3 years.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy Easter Folks!

What a fun spring break eh? We are enjoying our Easter with no kitchen (should be done by Tuesday or Wednesday) and this lovely spring weather.

But instead of sulking at the crummy weather, we decided to go out and make a snow rabbit..
......and a sea serpent.....

and if you are wondering what happened to the Easter bunny.....