Saturday, October 30, 2010

Wrapping up October

We got a terrible snow storm a few days ago. And since the leaves on our trees were still green, we had branches that were bending so low. I thought we might loose a few.

Sadly our neighbor lost their whole tree. It split 3 ways. The weight of the snow was just too much for it. :(

Ethan started playing the cello this year and really loves it. Go figure. He had a little Halloween performance on Thursday and did a very good job. He has been so excited about learning this instrument and doesn't ever complain about practicing, waking up at 6 am for his orchestra class, or even hauling his gigantic cello to and from school (yes even in the cold). He's even learning new songs on his own and figuring out more by ear.

We went to a pumpkin patch and carved pumpkins on Monday. The kids are getting so good at it that I don't have to help too much anymore.
Trick or Treating was cold, rainy and miserable. But we suffered through it (hahaha) and quickly ran the loop of our neighborhood.
Nate was a zombie from the video game Plants vs Zombies. Emery was a rock star. Ethan was Josh in Afghanistan. And Will was a Lego guy.


Mommy Amy's blog said...

That was so funny! I loved seeing Ethan as "Josh in Afghanistan". Dylan and I were laughing so hard, we even had to blow the picture up so we could see it more closely! Looks like you guys had a fun and wet halloween. It was like 83 degrees here today and there will be no trick or treating for us since they don't switch the holiday here like they do in Utah, dang! We miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

Great costumes as always! I didn't know Ethan was playing cello...that's so cool! Love all the kids with their costumes on with coats over them...that stinks! Hope you still had a great Halloween!

Mandy and Jason said...

Love the lego guy! That is classic. Everyone looked awesome!